Manual Therapy
Pain Management
Gym and Exercise Rehabilitation
Dry needling
Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Sport Specific Injury Management
Worker’s Compensation and Motor Vehicle Injury Management
Brace and Support fittings
Bio mechanical / Posture Assessment, Ergonomic Assessment
Education and Mentoring
Falls Prevention
Sports/Deep tissue release for muscle recovery
Conditions we treat
Neck and Back Pain: Radiculopathy, Discogenic pain and Degenerative Disc Disease
Postural Pain Syndromes
Headache and Vertigo
SIJ ( Sacro Iliac Joint ) and Coccygeal Pain
Pregnancy and Back Pain, Mastitis
TMJ Disorders
RSI-Repetitive Stress Injuries- Bursitis, Tendonitis, Tendinopathy
Joint Sprains and Soft-tissue strains/tear
Post Surgical Management: Joint Replacements, Joint Reconstruction and Joint Arthroplasty. Torn Tendon and muscle repairs. Joint Fusions.
Osteoarthritis and other Inflammatory joint arthritis
Running Injuries and return to running.
Foot pain: Pes Planus (Flat feet) Pes Cavus (High Arched Foot)
Fracture Management
Neurological Rehabilitation: Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke Management, Spina Bifida, Multiple Sclerosis and Poliomyelitis
Chronic Pain
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS / RSD)
GLA:D® AUSTRALIA: We are a recognised provider of the GLA:D® program for hip and knee arthritis